A : 진성이 여자친구는 어디에서 살아요?
B : 서울에서 살아요. 수희 여자친구는요?
A : 제 여자친구도 서울에서 살아요. 주말에 같이 놀러 갈래요?
B : 네 좋아요. 일단 배고프니 밥으러 가요.
A : 네, 밥먹으러 갑시다.
일단 first, ~
1. -(으)ㅂ시다
You can use this form when you propose or suggest something to the listener.
'-읍시다' is attached to the verb stem ending in a consonant, and '-ㅂ시다' is attached
to the verb stem ending in a vowel.
밥먹으러 갑시다.
: Let's go to have a meal.
2. -(으)ㄹ까요?
'-(으)ㄹ까요?' is used to make a suggestion or inquire about someone's inclination.
The subject of the sentence '우리(we)' is often omitted. Since '-(으)ㄹ까요?' takes the
form of the question, it sounds softer or politer than '-(으)ㅂ시다' when making a suggestion.
'-을까요?' is attached to the verb stem ending in a consonant, and '-ㄹ까요?' is attached
to the verb stem ending in a vowel.
공부하러 갈까요?
: How about going to study?
언제 영화보러 갈까요?
: When do you want to see a movie?
3. -에서
'-에서' is attached to a place noun to indicate the place where an action occurs (or occured).
It is usually followed by the verbs such as '먹다', '자다', '살다' and '만나다' the meaning of which
does not have the change of places like '오다' and '가다'.
저는 맥주집에서 맥주를 마셨어요.
: I drank a beer in pub.
저는 서울에서 공부를 했어요.
: I studied in Seoul.
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