A : 주말에 뭐 했어요?
B : 여자친구와 데이트를 했어요. 수희는요?
A : 저는 친구들과 여행을 갔다 왔어요.
B : 재미있었어요?
A : 네, 진성이는 여자친구와 뭐 했어요?
B : 강남에서 영화를 봤어요.
주말 weekend 여자친구 girlfriend 데이트 date
여행 travel 영화 movie
1. -았/었/였-
'-았/었/였-' is used to construct the past tense of the verbs and adjectives.
When the final vowel of the verb or adjective stem is 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ',
it takes '-았-'. When the final vowel of the verb or adjective stem is other than
'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ', it takes '-었-'. When conbined with the verbs or adjectives ending
with '하다', it makes either '하였어요' or '하였습니다' or '했어요' or '했습니다.'
In spoken Korean, '했어요' or '했습니다' is more often used.
월요일에 식당에 갔었어요.
: I wen to the restaurant on Monday.
어제 뭐했어요?
: What did you do yesterday?
2. -에
'-에' is attached to a noun indicating time and is translated as 'at', 'an' in English.
This '-에' cannot come after adverbs, which makes such combinations as '내일에'
주말에 데이트를 했어요.
: I had a date last weekend.
오후에 만나요.
: See you in the afternoon.
3. -지만
'-지만' is attached to the verb or adjective stem, and connects two sentences
which are in contrast with each other similar to 'but' in English.
김치는 맵지만 맛이 있어요.
: Kim-chi is hot but it is delicious.
일이 힘들지만 재미있어요.
: The work is hard but interesting.
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