Thursday, June 27, 2013

Korean Grammar Lesson 9. -(으)면, -아/어/여서, -(으)로

A : 수희씨, 내일 광화문 갈 수 있어요?
B : 잘 모르겠어요. 내일 안바쁘면, 연락할게요.
A : 그래요. 집에 가서 일정을 보고 연락해 주세요.
B : 그런데 광화문은 어떻게 가죠?
A : 버스를 타고 종로쪽으로 오세요.
     그리고 광화문역으로 가는 지하철을 타시면 됩니다.
일정       schedule                쪽으로     toward
1. -(으)면
'-(으)면' indicates the condition for the following sentence similar to 'if' in English.
'-으면' is attached to the verb and adjective stem ending in a consonant, and '-면' is attached to
the stem ending in a vowel.
바쁘면 내일 연락하세요.
: If you are busy, you can call me tomorrow.
감기에 걸리면, 쉬는게 낫겠어요.
: If you catch a cold, you had better take a rest.
2. -아/어/여서
'-아/어/여서?' indicates that the action in the following clause happens after, but in connection with
the action of the preceding clause. It is usually used with the action verbs, and the subject of the first
and second clause should be the same. What makes this form different from '-고' is that the two
actions are closely related.
식당에 가서 미리 주문을 하세요.
: Go to the restaurant and order in advance.
저는 소스를 뿌려서 피자를 먹습니다.
: I put sauce on pizza and eat it.
3. -(으)로
'-(으)로' indicates the direction of movement and is translated as 'to' or 'toward' in English.
If the previous noun ends in a consonant, '-으로' follows. If the previous noun ends in a vowel, '로' follows.
다음 지하철역으로 가죠.
: Go to the next station.
은행으로 가야만 해요.
: I have to go to the bank.

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