Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wood,Juliette Student's Comment to 은애 Teachers "Make a friend with 'Korean'"

Wood, Juliette Student has studied with 은애 teacher for 6 months. She is from U.S.
Shall we visit 은애 teacher's page?

안녕하세요. 온을인 은애씨하고 전지현 논의 즐겼디. 모든 여자들가 그녀의 닮은 보고싶어요 그래고 핑크 립스틱 착 용하는. 지금, 한국에서 핑크색 립스틱이 없어요! 전지현 is in "My Love from Another Star". Have a good day.

I had a great class with Eunae. Learning about Korean culture is really interesting. We talk about our interests "관심 있어요". One of my weaknesses is vocabulary. So in order to learn faster, I'll study vocabulary between classes. Eunae is a great teacher.

I'm really tired now from my lesson! There is a lot of information! I'm glad, though. Kim Eunae is very dedicated to teaching. I'll write more 나중에. Right now, I'm printing out your notes for review. Thanks Eunae!

My class with Eunae is always so interesting. She is very personable and fun. I'm learning how to say things about myself and family conversationally. It's so interesting learning about the Korean culture and the structure of the Korean language. I've copied the notes that Eunae typed here so I can practice again.

I really enjoyed my class with Eunae ssi. She is always so happy and nice. I appreciate all of the explanations too! I'm learning about how to introduce my family, naming facial features, how to salute in the military, talking about our dogs and cats....Really cool!

I enjoyed my class with Eunae. It's a lot of fun learning about the Korean culture. Something funny I learned from Eunae is how to say "goodbye" on the phone. Ha ha! Pretty cool! I'll study a little better and be more organized this next class. Eunae is a terrific teacher! 다음 시간에 봐요!

Today's class with Eunae was great. I learned new ways to say some conversational Korean and I look forward to learning how to speak and listen better with Eunae. I'll copy down the notes you've written and practice for next Friday. I can't wait! Your class was really cool. Thanks and have a great day! Juliette

Friday, October 4, 2013

Korean Conversation Lesson 16. 직업

* Conversation

무슨 을 하세요?
[mu seun yil eul ha se yo?]
What do you do for work?

저는 회사원이에요.
[jeo neun hwoi sa won yi e yo]
I'm an office worker.

[hak saeng yi e yo]
I'm a student.

[gan ho sa e yo]
I'm a nurse.

* Vocabulary

회사원 [hwoi sa won] : office worker
학생 [hak saeng] : student
간호사 [gan ho sa] : nurse
선생님 [seon saeng nyim] : Teacher
소방관 [so bang gwan] : Fire Fighter
경찰관 [gyeong chal gwan] : Police Men
경비 [gyeong byi] : Security
교장 [gyo jang] : Principal
교감 [gyo gam] : Vice Principal
가수 [ga su] : Singer
댄서 [dancer] : Dancer
프로듀서 [producer] : Producer
미술가 [myi sul ga] : Artist
음악가 [eum ak ga] : Musician
골퍼 [golfer] : Golfer
의사 [eui sa] : Doctor
배우 [bae u]: Actor
기장 [gyi jang] : Airline Pilot
사진가 [sa jyin ga] : Photographer

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Korean Conversation Lesson 15. 성격

* Conversation

당신의 성격은 어떻습니까?
[dang syin eui seong gyeok eun uh ddeo sseub nyi gga?]                    
How would you describe your personality?
저는 낙천적인 편입니다.
[jeo neun nak cheon jeok yin pyeon yib nyi da]
I'm an optimistic person.
활동적인 편이에요.
[hwal dong jeok yin pyeon yi e yo]
I'm an active person.
[sa gyo jeok yi e yo]
I'm a social person
유머 감각이 뛰어난 편이에요.
[you meo gam gak yi ddwi uh nan pyeon yi e yo]
I have a good sense of humor
말이 없어요.
[mal yi up uh yo]
I'm a person of few words.
성격이 급해요.
[seong gyeok yi geub hae yo]
I'm an impatient person.
이성적이라는 이야기를 많이 들어요.
[yi seong jeok yi ra neun yi ya gyi reul man yi deul uh yo]                    
I've been told that I'm a reasonable person.
결단력이 있는 편이죠.
[gyeol dan ryeok yi it neun pyeon yi jyo]
I'm a go-getter.
* Vocabulary
성격 [seong gyeok] : personality
낙천적인 [nak cheon jeok yin] : optimistic
활동적인 [hwal dong jeok yin] : active
사교적인 [sa gyo jeok yin] : social
유머감각 [you meo gam gak] : sence of humor
뛰어난 [ddwi uh nan] : good at ~ing