A : 수희씨는 스키탈 수 있어요?
B : 네, 탈 수 있어요.
A : 그럼 다음주에 스키장에 갈거지요?
B : 네, 그런데 감기에 걸려서 갈 수 있을지 잘 모르겠어요.
A : 네, 알겠어요.
스키를 타다 ski 스키장 ski resort
감기에 걸리다 catch a cold
1. -아/어/여서
'-아/어-여서' expresses a reason or a cause. When the final vowel of the verb or adjective stem is
'ㅏ', 'ㅗ', it takes '-아서'. When the final vowel of the verb or adjective stem is other than 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ',
it takes '-어서'. When combined with the verbs or adjectives ending with '하다', it makes either
'하여서' or '해서'. In spoken Korean, '해서' is more often used.
매워서 이 음식을 못먹겠어요.
: I can't eat this food because it is hot.
바빠서 어제 연락을 못했어요.
: I didn't call you because I was busy yesterday.
유학가고 싶어요?
: Do you want to study abroad?
2. -지요?
'-지요?' is used when the speaker wants to verify the listener's agreement with already known or
assumed fact. The past tense is '-었/았/였지요?', and the future tense is '-을 거지요?', In spoken Korean,
we usually say the shortened form '-죠?'.
저 대학을 졸업했죠?
: You graduated from that university, didn't you?
: You are student, aren't you?
3. -(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다
This pattern expresses ability / inability or possibility / impossibilty.
저는 스키를 탈 수 있어요.
: I can ski.
오늘은 바빠서 저녁을 먹을 수 없어요.
: I cannot have a dinner because I'm busy today.
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