Thursday, June 27, 2013

Korean Grammar Lesson 20. -(으)면 되다, -아/어/여 주시겠어요?

A : 남산타워 가는 길 좀 알려주시겠어요?
B : 100 버스를 타고 명동에서 내려서 걸어가면 됩니다.
A : 명동은 어떻게 가나요?
B : 지하철 4호선을 타면 될 거예요. 

남산타워   the Namsan Tower

1. -(으)면 되다
'-(으)면 되다' is used when we talk about a simple or easy solution. '되다' means in this pattern
'to be enough'. '-으면 되다' is attached to the verb stem ending in a consonant other than 'ㄹ',
and '-면 되다' is attached to the verb stem ending in a vowel and 'ㄹ'.
공부를 할 때 저는 도서관에 가면 됩니다.
: Go to the labrary when I study and it will help.
물건을 살 때 저는 인터넷을 이용하면 됩니다.
: Use the internet when I make a purchase.
2. -아/어/여 주시겠어요?
'-아/어/여 주시겠어요?' is used to make a request or to ask for help. Since this pattern takes the form
of the question, it sounds politer, making the listener feel less burdensome. If you use this pattern with
'좀' in front of it, it feels even politer.
저 좀 도와주시겠어요?
: Would you help me please?
버스 정류장으로 가는 길 좀 알려주시겠어요?
: Would you tell me how to get to the bus station? 

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