
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Korean Grammar Lesson 19. -(으)로-, -(으)려면

A : 곧 갤럭시3가 출시된다면서요?
B : 네, 맞아요. 사려면 조금만 기다리면 될 것 같아요.
A : 갤럭시를 온라인으로 살 수 있나요?
B : 네, 아마 판매할 거예요. 

출시하다   launch      팔다,판매하다     sell

1. -(으)로-
'-(으)로-' is attached to a noun indicating an instrument or means to do something with, and expresses
the meaning of '~를가지고(with)'. After the name of transprotation, it means '~을 이용하여(by)' or
'~을 가지고(with)'. '-으로' is attached to a noun ending in a consonant, and '-로' is attached to a noun
ending in a vowel.
당신은 스마트폰으로 인터넷을 사용할 수 있습니다.
: You can use the internet by smart phone.
버스로 거기에 갈 수 있어요.
: You can go there by a bus.
2. -(으)려면
'-(으)려면' is translated as 'if you intend to' or 'if you are to'. '-으려면' is attached to the verb stem ending in
a consonant, and '-려면' is attached to the verb stem ending in a vowel.
시험을 잘보려면 미리 계획을 세워야 해요.
: If you are to get a good grade, you should make a plan in advance.
버스를 놓치지 않으려면 서둘러야 해요.
: If you are not to miss a bus, you should hurry up.

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